The Story

Spirit Week takes off this week, complete with our fun-filled pep rally, and a homecoming dance. Quick Disclaimer: We don’t blame all of the Student Council for the following complaints… in the words of Abby Lee Miller, you’re good, we’re just waiting for you to be better. 

Theme Week

The bar was set so low in last spring’s spirit week that StuCo and their advisors didn’t have to do much to surpass it. And pass it they did, even if only by a few inches. But we here at Runaway won’t criticize without providing some… preferable alternatives. Monday’s (today’s) theme is what it always is: “‘Murica Monday”. Even though it can be thrilling to cosplay as an Uncle-Sam obsessed patriot, we’re getting a little bored with this one. Maybe Meme Monday? Imagine the Big-Chunguses and Megamind’s parading the halls. Just a thought…

What about Tuesday and Wednesday?

BRING BACK TROPICAL TUESDAY! BRING BACK TROPICAL TUESDAY! We can’t say it enough. Spirit Week is the one time of year to raid your father’s closet for the tackiest imaginable Hawaiian shirt. But no, we’re left with Jersey v.s. Jersey Shore. With all due respect, no thank you. Both of those options are deplorable. Wednesday is slightly more tolerable, with Celebrity Day. The only issue with this is that it’s a bit dull. Even Wacky Wednesday leaves more scope for the imagination. And it has alliteration. Lovely. (We understand why Anything-But-A-Backpack can’t be done – we’re looking at you, freshman – but that doesn’t mean we don’t miss it…) 

I’m afraid to ask but… Thursday?

Yikes. Zoom Day? Why would we want to dress up as the most depressing and lonely times of our lives? Just call it PJ Day, calling it Zoom Day is weird. And there’s a thousand better themes. What happened to Decades Day? Or we could do Twin Thursday, like in Middle School. Let’s not remind the entire school of…well… that. 

And Friday?

It’s hard to mess up Friday, and luckily, they didn’t. (Sort of…) All you need to do is wear your class shirt and colors – Freshmen are White, Sophomores are Gray, Juniors are Black, and Seniors are red in case you needed a reminder – which is fine, as long as your tee-shirt isn’t ugly. ( Seniors, you totally missed the opportunity to have “S23NIORS” as your logo. And the design is… well, a little hypnotic to say the least).

Pep Rally

One of the vestiges from the times of Covid is our outdoor pep rallies. The consensus (via Instagram poll) seems to indicate that we miss being in the gym. Close to our comrades, where the cheering is louder. Plus, who wouldn’t want to hear the calming and firm voice of Senior Class President Sam O’Leary up close and personal??? And just to head it off, the Seniors always win, and the underclassmen always whine about it. Stop complaining, and get on with tradition. Hopefully in the spring we can get back to indoor pep rallies… 

And Homecoming?

Ah yes. The most American of high school traditions, watching a bunch of boys thunk into each other, and then crowding into the cafeteria to grind up against one another for a couple of hours. What’s even better is that you’re supposed to wear white, so everyone can see your sweat stains! The Football game against Nashua South starts at 7:00, and the dance will begin at 8:00, and go until 10:30.


The Runaway

Show up with school spirit, even if the themes are kinda boring. Who knows, maybe you’ll even have fun!


What to say…

When the homework load is super heavy

Failing classes lately (three weeks into school)? Struggling with homework? Feeling lonely and in need of friends? Whether or not any of that applies to you, Jozokos sent out an email yesterday informing students about A pretty self-explanatory website, is available to students for free to help with homework, studying, essay proofreading,  PSAT/SAT prep, etc. There are a lot of different options for topics and subjects you can request help for and even different ways you can connect with your tutor whether it’s on call (messaging or voice chat live) or a scheduled meeting. Either way, if you’re one of those people that stays up until 2 am writing a paper or working on math homework (no judgment, we’ve all been there) you’re in luck because the website and its tutors are active 24/7! (just be aware of that 11:59 pm deadline next time) Don’t like your tutor and want a different one? They’ve got you covered there too. The website has thousands of tutors that you can filter through each with their own ratings, reviews, and availabilities. And if you don’t know how to read 1) go get help at and 2) here’s a lil video explaining some of the things mentioned above. So good luck students, go be nerdy, hopefully get good grades, and make new friends that do your homework for you.

When you forgot about COVID…

We hate to bring reminders of the virus, but the cold is setting in, and we really want highschool to remain normal. Covid is still around, and there are some mumblings about kids getting really sick. This is just a routine reminder about current Covid-protocal, and a warning about spreading the virus. If you develop systems, just stick that at-home-test up your nose and check, even if you don’t feel like it. If it’s positive, you only need to stay home for 5 days, as long as your symptom-free before the fifth day. And, what’s great, is that you can return before the 5 day period if you can show a negative test. Make sure to try and keep up with your schoolwork while you aren’t gone so you don’t get swamped when you return, and wear a mask just in case for your first few days back at school! Let’s keep the school clean of covid and other pesky illnesses, and remember to wash our hands.


Things to Know…

We’re about half-way through Quarter 1, so keep those grades up!

There’s been some mutterings about keeping the cafeteria clean. Make sure you pick up your trash before you leave!

Peppiness, Homeworkiness, and Covidiness — 09/26/22