Just the facts:

Coach: Zach Matthews

Captains:  Hayden Cheney, Dylan Kumbani, Sam Lacombe

Standings: 2-1

Schedule: right here!

Team social media: Twitter: @BHSFootballNH; Facebook: @Bedford Football



Boo hoo, the football players don’t get to go to school for a while. At least Bedford has some resemblance of a soul again. This year, we have seniors Alex Zwickau, Sonny Elie, Hayden Cheney, Owen Bechert, Dylan Kumbani, Sam Lacombe, Solomon Sanchez, and probably some that we missed because there are a heck ton of football players! We give the forgotten seniors permission to leave an angry comment on our latest instagram post. Their biggest competition this year is Goffstown, obvi. RIP our potentially perfect record.