The Story
There’s been some water gun-related fiascos happening in the last week.
What’s been going on?
Well, as most of you probably already know, the Juniors at BHS usually host a game called Assassins. It’s done around the end of the school year, and anyone in the Junior class – this year it’s 2023’s turn – gets to play.
Who started it?
This year’s game of assassins was originally organized by juniors Cole Wolfinger and Maxine Morse. A few months ago, they created an instagram account, titled @bhs__assassins2023. It seems now though as if Samantha Avampato, another junior, has replaced Cole on the roster. We aren’t quite sure what happened there.
What are the rules?
A full list of rules can be found here, but the basic gist is that you pay twenty dollars for you and your partner to enter, and then you’re in the game! At the start of each week, every partnership is secretly given another set of partners that they need to “assassinate”, a.k.a. shoot with a water gun (violent, right?) and catch the heinous crime on camera. There are a whooooole ton of details about when and where this can happen – see linked rules above. It is not allowed on school grounds during school hours, and there is a 7-3 grace period every day.
What do you do when you’re playing?
Well, it’s you and your partner’s jobs to eliminate the other team before the end of the week. If you fail to do so, you’re out of the game. You also have to try and stay in the game yourself, as there’s another team out there who has you, and is trying to assassinate you. This leads to kids looking up people’s addresses, waiting outside their house, or stalking other players at sports games (for instance, there were tons of juniors at last week’s Track Meet, and it’s highly unlikely that they were there to spectate). There have been some complaints about participants throwing hissy fits when they get out. Come on guys, it’s just a game. This isn’t Iron Chef.
But what’s the point?
Mainly just to have fun. Seniors get a whole week to celebrate, and it’s juniors’ way of getting a little piece of that too. Junior year is typically the most difficult school year for students, and by this time, all of the class of 2023 is pretty burnt out (We’re looking at you, History Research Project…). Plus, the winner gets a big cash prize, as the entry fee is split between the winners and the people running the game – 20 bucks a team really adds up!
The Runaway…
If you see people running around with water guns – don’t panic. It’s all normal.
What to say…
When you’re starved of politics…
On the other hand, if you see people running around with election posters, everything is not normal because the race is getting heated. Last Friday was the deadline for Student Council election forms and with 7 positions to fill in each grade, this year over 40 students are running. Starting with current juniors who will head the senior class next year, incumbent Sam O’Leary who has a great reputation in the Senate and past experience in Student Council is campaigning again. Also running are Ginny Fitzgerald and Cole Wolfinger who both have experience in sports leadership as Alpine Ski Team captains. This will be your Senior Class President, so keep that in mind when voting. In the rising junior class, candidates for President are Gaby Elchalfoun with the goal of being an approachable and communicative leader, and Spencer Henrichon. Current underclassmen who are giving freshman incumbents a run for their money are Tommy Frongillo and Abhi Thapa who is running with the rest of his team called the ‘Big Deal’ hoping to bring pride to their class of 2025. These and many, many, MANY more candidates are running for Vice President, Fundraising Coordinator, Community Senator, Public Relations Director, Chief Entertainment Officer, and Officer at Larger to work together to make your class experience more significant. Phew! That’s a lot to think about. To give you some peace of mind, all speeches are happening during Advisory in the theater on Thursday, May 19th, and Friday, May 20th. Officers will be announced the following week. We’ll be sure to keep you updated on the results and we wish all candidates luck during their campaigns!
When you want to get sporty…
The spring sports season is in full swing (get the baseball pun?) and it is time to give you guys an update. Boys tennis and girls lacrosse are both killing it and have a perfect record thus far into the season. The girls tennis team and the boys lacrosse team are having a respectable season with more wins than losses and can hopefully continue on an upward trend. If you wanna watch some fast running, far throwing, or high jumping, feel free to come to watch the home meet on Tuesday at 4:00 and support the Track and Field (Or as Mr. Woodhead would call it, Field and Track). Softball and baseball seem to be struggling with 5 wins and 5 losses for baseball and a mere 2 wins and 7 losses for softball. We are halfway through the spring sport season so don’t miss your chance to stop by to support the teams on their way to success!
When you are ready to get Spirited…
Break out those class t-shirts cuz Spirit Week has returned. Still not really sure why we had a spirit week in March, but here we go again. Breathe a big sigh of relief, because the Student Council has pulled their act together, and made a comeback. This week’s themes are really good in comparison to last time. (Yes, we are still a little salty about Middle School Day). Today is Beach Day, so hopefully that means we can just tan in the courtyard instead of going to class, right? Tomorrow will be PJ v.s. Formal Day, and it’s pretty obvious who’s gonna win that… And drumroll please and everyone give a cheer because ANYTHING BUT A BACKPACK DAY HAS MADE A COMEBACK!!! If you can’t tell, we’re very excited about this one, so please please please be safe and mindful so we can make sure we can do it again. Thursday is Soccer Moms v.s. BBQ Dads, which will be quite interesting, before we close it off with Class Colors and a Pep Rally down by the field on Friday, but unfortunately, no tagging will be allowed so leave that paint at home. Let’s bring that Bulldog Spirit and have an awesome week!!
Things to Know
Almost There!
There’s less than thirty school days left this year. Summer, here we come!
Schedules for next year’s classes will be coming out in the next few weeks, so keep an eye out for them!
For Sophomores and Juniors, Mr. Jozokos sent out an email to sign up for a parking spot in the school lots for next year. The deadline is June 5th, so make sure you submit the form by then if you want a spot.